Vette Express
Volume 8 Issue 1 Jan
New Years!!!!!!
Date: Saturday, 26 Jan 2002
Time: 7PM
Stagecoach Steakhouse & Saloon
190 Aiken Mall Rd (Right in front of the
Aiken Mall- Whiskey Rd)
December Christmas Party and Meeting Notes –
the 15th of December, we held our combined club Christmas party and
monthly meeting. There was a great
turnout for this meeting, and I think all of us had a good time. Again, thanks to Leslie, Linda, and Arlene
for their efforts, which made the party a success.
to the meeting, after talking to several members, I decided to remain President
for one more term (2 years), as did Jeff and Tom. Jeff will be Secty/Treasurer for the next year, and Tom will be
the Governor for the next year. Leslie
has one more year remaining on her term as club Vice-President. During the elections this year, it would be
nice to see other members step forward and run for these positions. I think that everyone in the club can do
the jobs as well as we can, and maybe even have some new ideas. At the meeting, the motion to exempt club
officers from paying dues, during their tenure in office was passed. I hope that this will give some additional
incentive for others to run for office.
Upcoming Year –
the club moves into 2002, there are several things that we accomplished in
2001, that, I would like to expand on:
Membership – Let’s work to increase
our club membership this year. There
are many Corvettes in the CSRA. I have
club business cards and membership packets available, that you can give to
perspective members. You can invite a
potential member to attend one or two of our meetings, before they make their
decision. During at least one of those
meetings, we should try to make a road trip.
As I’ve always said, there is nothing and I mean nothing more impressive
than a group of Corvettes driving together.
Meetings - As we talked about at the December meeting, we
will attempt to get on the road more this year (of course…weather
depending). We have our annual trips to
Savannah in April, and Titusville in September. There have been several suggestions in regards to making a trip
to the Georgia Music Hall of Fame, in Macon, and to Road Atlanta during one of
their many races. I am currently
gathering information on these events and will be discussing them at the
meetings within the next couple of months.
We will attempt to schedule the meeting locations at least a couple of
months in advance, so everyone will have an opportunity to plan for any road
trips. In addition, David and Linda
Hughes are entertaining the ideal of having the July meeting at their house on
the river, in conjunction with the boat races.
If you have any suggestions for meeting trips, please let Leslie Romano
or myself know, and we will attempt to incorporate them into one of the
Show – As you know we usually
place our cars on display during Father’s Day week. We did not due this last year due to the construction within the
Mall. Since the construction is now
complete, I will ask that someone head up a committee to contact the Mall
management to see if there is a possibility for the show this year. Any volunteers? There is a nice area in the Mall now, in which we could park our
cars in a nice configuration.
we move throughout this upcoming year, we all should thrive to make the club
grow and prosper. The one thing that is
unique with our club that is not unique with the other car clubs in the area is
the fact that we don’t have the infighting and major disagreements present in
some of the other clubs. We have a good
foundation upon to grow, which is one of the reasons why I decided to be club
president for an additional term.
want to thank all that have assisted me over the years in the operation of the
club, for no one person can keep the club going, it takes every member. Remember, this is ‘OUR’ club.
thanks to all. Any ideas or suggestions
will be gladly accepted.